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PBX - Institutional Automatic Telephone Station - the heart of a hotel’s telecommunications infrastructure. On the basis of the PBX is the provision of telephone communications and telecommunications services to hotel guests and it's staff.

Any telecommunication project is above all the reliability of service provision. The software and hardware infrastructure of a complex must also meet the standards of a hotel network and the operational requirements of a hotel, and the composition of developed documentation must provide all the necessary information for integration and interconnection with information and engineering systems.

The reliability of the hardware is achieved by selecting the appropriate equipment and technology. A broad integration and operational experience allows us to confidently select high-quality, fault-tolerant equipment, which has successfully established itself both in the market and within our own projects.

Providing voice transmission between subscribers of the hotel complex, the ability to connect to external city lines, voice call accounting, statistics collection, the provision of additional services, external subscriber devices - it's not a complete list of issues that we face during the formation of a complex. The answer is constructive interaction with hotel chains and competent work with the customer, which allows us to succinctly form the vision of a future project and reflect in it the full range of necessary services and properties.

When using wireless technologies in a solution, it's imperative that radio intelligence activities be carried out with modeling of the positioning of base devices at a site. Radio intelligence allows in practice to fix the spread of wireless signals, to determine and position the required number of base stations to ensure the proper level of coverage and reliable reception of subscriber devices.

According to the results of preliminary surveys and approvals, our project team produces the necessary composition of working documentation, linking the solution with the features of the object and the existing third-party engineering systems. In order to reduce our own costs in the process of production of works and the costs of a customer on the project interface, already at the stage of development of the RD, we try to take into account aspects and details of the process of future implementation of a complex. Thus, a set is born, which, in addition to the equipment layout, switching, specifications, calculations and other, has all the necessary documentation for comfortable installation and commissioning, as well as all the necessary tasks and instructions for third-party organizations to prepare the object to implement.