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Conference room systems

In order to provide the required audio-visual solution for the conference zone we ask a number of fundamental questions, the solution of which leads us to a high-quality, competent and, most importantly, balanced outcome.

Of course, high-quality reception and transmission of signals, display and reproduction of information are the basis for the development of any AV complex, which is paid serious attention to in our work. In addition to the core, we also try to focus on the current trends in hotel audio-visual systems for the conference zone, which involve the following aspects:

  • opportunity for hotel staff to freely manage equipment without special training.

A multimedia complex should be managed not only by an IT manager or hotel technician, they should be able to manage any person from the tenant’s company, as well as your PR manager, marketing specialist and other stuff. We solve this issue by building an integrated management system with an individual, intuitively understandable design of consoles and interfaces.

  • fault tolerance, protection against "fool".

Since the AV complexes often include expensive equipment and it must be managed by unqualified personnel, so it must be protected from possible damage. This aspect is solved at design and software development stage by building control algorithms that exclude damage to the elements of the complex.

  • free configuration of services and space.

The complex must provide a free configuration in order to provide the corresponding services at the moments of carrying out various types of events, to carry out the corresponding functional transformation at the moments of space unification / separation.

At the design stage we model all possible scenarios for use of future premises, which are required by the hotel chain, the future operational team. The necessary equipment connection points, the possible use of third-party, leased equipment are provided in advance. Using software we solve the problems of signal transport, configuration of sources, reproducing and displaying devices.

As a result, the customer receives a freely transformable and configurable space, ready to meet any needs of the conference area in conducting business events, conferences, banquets, presentations, corporate and other events.

  • modernization.

Like any engineering system a set of audio-visual equipment should be able to upgrade in the future. For the investor and management team it means the possibility of easy and low cost modernization and it’s need should appear at least during the payback period of the project.

To achieve this goal we use only the most modern and, including time-tested solutions, keeping in mind the global trends of the industry.

Our employees regularly undergo training and refresher courses in the framework of the projects under development, which allows us to determine with confidence the future market trends and produce high-quality engineering and technical solutions.

These solutions correspond to their time and built on the basic principles and technologies of the market. It allows you to have balanced opportunities for modernization in the future.

One of the most important moments in the production of audio-visual complexes, of course, is the selection of high-quality equipment. Each project is unique in it’s own way and the range of equipment directly depends on the tasks.