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Room management system

It's no secret that guest rooms is a fundamental part of any hotel project. As in any living quarter, there are a complete range of engineering systems in the guest rooms. It is essential to ensure that emerging engineering systems implement integrated management at all levels - from hotel managers to guests.

Key to the success is solving of the set tasks will be a competent project management and understanding of the final results. Our extensive experience allows us to provide the best solutions to the hospitality industry. Today we can confidently predict an expected behavior of the guests and probable requirements of the personnel. Based on these predictions, we can identify further opportunities and purpose the best energy efficiency solutions.

For this purpose, in the stage of development we make detailed project review focusing on energy efficiency and making the system operation easy.

Lighting Intelligence LLC team is dedicated to deliver results in even the most challenging clients' claims. We fully implement hotel chain's requirements providing the most cost-effective solutions.

We believe that only integrated appoach to the project design can provide a 'best practice' engineering system that will meet high requirements of experienced visitors.