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Public areas management system

Management of engineering systems in public areas is a complex of automation, allowing centralized and local management of a complex of engineering systems of public areas. Management can be built on automatic and semi-automatic modes, depending on external and internal factors of zones and building as a whole. Extensive integration capabilities for combining into a single system with the BMS (Building Management System) and other building information and engineering systems make it possible to implement energy-efficient intelligent algorithms and more accurately form a management policies.

Public areas require a responsible approach to the design, since they are the places that make a first impression on a guest upon arrival and forms his opinion about the hotel during their stay. Automation projects, in addition to the purely engineering component, are also aimed to create a unique atmosphere, like business mood of a reception and work areas or the unobtrusive atmosphere of a hotel lobby. The required effect is achieved when a constructive interaction between interior designers, lighting designers, building engineering systems designers, architects and other technical customer specialists is built.

The functional purpose of the designed system can be divided into the following groups:

1. Lighting control.

Building an ergonomic control system for a hotel operating and engineering staff, taking into account the requirements of the design of the lighting project. The necessary algorithms are developed, the required modes of operation are formed, providing, among other things, the necessary aesthetic effect of the ideas laid down by designer.

2. Climate control.

Development of an effective climate control system for public areas, taking into account the requirements of a designers of engineering systems and the requirements of a hotel’s operating team.

3. Management of adjacent systems.

Depending on the functional purpose of a public zone, it may also contain related engineering and information systems. An example would be the automatic control of the mechanization of curtains, the complex control multimedia equipment and etc. Depending on the operational need or in the implementation of energy efficiency objectives, it may be necessary to link decisions, as a result of which a project team forms the necessary methods and management modes.

4. Centralized management of a complex.

The system of automation of public areas, in addition to local, should provide the opportunity and centralized management. The task is implemented by building a centralized complex, with distribution of control functions, in which, the main algorithms of operation are based on subscriber devices, this allows increasing the resiliency of the complex. In turn, the management interface is intuitive for an untrained technician and is developed taking into account the requirements of the operating team.

The construction of a centralized complex also allows solving any problems of integrating systems into a common engineering complex.

5. Integration of engineering systems of public areas into the general building management system.

While implementing integration with the building management system (BMS), a wide range of additional features appears not only in the context of management, but also in the context of building an effective energy-saving policy. Integration capabilities allow the use of a full range of building automation devices to exchange data and build additional modes of operation. An example would be obtaining the external temperature of a building, the illumination of the sides of a building, the presence and characteristics of energy resources and etc.

6. Building an energy saving policy.

Depending on the elemental base of a system and realized integration capabilities, the project team assesses a potential for energy saving and energy efficiency. Based on findings, the necessary algorithms are being developed and implemented within the project.

Having defined the tasks and coordinated the concept with the Customer, our project team produces the necessary composition of the working documentation, linking the agreed solution with the architectural features and existing third-party engineering systems. In order to reduce our own costs in the process of production of works and the costs of a customer on the project interface, already at a stage of development of the RD, we try to take into account aspects and details of the process of future implementation of a complex. Thus, a set is born, which in addition to the equipment layout, switching, specifications, calculations and other has all the necessary documentation for comfortable installation and commissioning, as well as all necessary tasks and instructions for third-party organizations to prepare an object to implement.

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