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Dyson CSYS - lamps that can last 37 years

Category: Hospitality and hotel news

Dyson is known for its quality, uniqueness, originality, and scientific approach to all manufactured equipment.

Dyson's solutions are completely different from what the consumer is used to seeing before. Dyson does not release simple products.

In this case, we are talking about a series of luminaires CSYS. To begin with, the manufacturer claims that the LEDs installed in the fixtures are able to last up to 37 years. Further, it is worth noting that the design of the lamp is created in such a way that the user can literally use two fingers to adjust the height of the bar and its location relative to the vertical axis.

If we talk about the technical side, Dyson uses a heat pipe that is familiar to computer systems in action. With its help, heat is removed from the group of LEDs, and light is scattered due to the ergonomic housing. It is these parameters, together with the choice of high-quality components, that allow Dyson to say that the life of all constituent elements can reach almost 40 years.

It is also worth noting the incredible brevity of the design of the lamps. The only button on the body performs several functions at once: turning on, turning off and adjusting the brightness.

We will be happy to offer you the best of the available lighting solutions on the market.