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Making Perfect Lighting Conditions

Category: New products

The world of work is changing fast. Gone are the days when you sat in the same space, doing the same task for every day of your working week. 

Today, we may be at our workstations for part of the day. But, we’re also spending time in formal meeting and presentation rooms; we’re sharing ideas over a coffee or catching up in social areas; we’re working in a quiet space or taking a more relaxed, informal meeting in another part of the office. 

It’s also common to occupy different desks on different days of the week, depending on the space that’s available. 

Flexibility matters in the modern workspace.  Intelligent lighting control can help deliver comfort and peak performance for people, whatever the task, activity or workplace location. 

Research shows that we feel best, and work best, when the light is as natural as possible.  Helvar’s intelligence allows the workplace to make use of natural daylight, automatically taking as much light from outside as it can, then dimming the lighting inside and changing colour temperatures to create the best possible working environment. 

With lighting that improves your well being and automatically adapts to your needs, Helvar control helps create a workspace where you’re fully engaged, energised and more productive.   

You can also adjust the lighting system manually, when required.

Helvar systems save energy too, dimming lights to work at a reduced level or switching them off completely when rooms are left unoccupied.  

For the modern, multi-functional workspace, bring Helvar’s intelligence to your lighting and take care of your building, your business and your people.